Unequal-sized Legs- Cause and Healing

By Lipa Rath

Nov 26 2017

“You carry baggage and garbage from different life times. It’s the baggage and the garbage that is making you sick.” Dolores Cannon, founder of Qhht method.

Beth and Chris, a couple, came to me for separate past-life regression sessions. They were from Ontario, Canada. They had successful careers, but were too stressed and knew there was something important they needed to do. That’s when they decided to visit India and Thailand to be trained in transformative yoga as practitioners. They felt that was their calling, to help people heal from trauma and stress.

Beth, about 32 years, had a vivid experience. She told me that since childhood she had been wearing orthotics, a support-wear for the feet, because one leg was shorter than the other. She felt she had worn them for long and now if she gets a chance she would like to throw them away.

Qhht sessions are all about getting rid of those things you don’t want in your life anymore- off-load the baggage!

Beth saw a lifetime as an older man. He had to carry heavy load on his upper body and walk a long distance to get them to his cabin. They were woods to keep his cabin warm. It was a pretty lonely lifetime.

There’s a part in the qhht session when I ask the higher self (HS or sometimes referred to as SC, Subconscious) to do a body scan and heal the body.

I asked, “Can you heal her feet? She’s been wearing orthotics for long. Can she get rid of them now?”

HS said, “Oh sure, we’ll heal that.”

Then a moment later HS said, “You know this is being carried forward from that lifetime when he lifted heavy stuff and he had to walk a long distance; it’s the pressure of the load she’s still holding on to it. She doesn’t have to carry that.”

After a couple of seconds said, “It’s done. She won’t need them (orthotics) again.”


Two weeks later I got the following note from Beth:

We’re doing well, still having frequent energetic clearings/releases and downloads which can be taxing but we know are true blessings and necessary for where we want to go.  We feel we’re in the peak of it as the HS mentioned.  My healing continues and I make sure to listen to the recording daily. My the physical healing continues as well. Usually it’s during the night or as I’m going to sleep/waking up. I will feel some slight discomfort in my ankles, arches or neck. I then instinctively know how to move my body (it can be in very odd ways sometimes) and my bones will pop or crack, relieving all discomfort and I feel resetting the bones, moving/shifting them – like they are being put back into proper place.  I haven’t been doing heavy exercise, so haven’t tried running or walking without my orthotics, but at this time I certainly don’t feel I need them.  In fact I’m feeling inspired to go without wearing any shoes at all and plan on going barefoot around the island from now on.  I will let you know how that goes 🙂

The SC/HS also said I walked with a limp in that lifetime and in this life I indeed had a leg longer than the other which caused an offset in my body affecting the feet, knees and hips.  The SC said they healed that as well.  I haven’t been back to my chiropractor to confirm but certainly feel no discomfort in those areas.  My body continues to feel better and better.”


Beth on the right

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