
JK, 39 Doctor

Jan 2024

I recently had a session with Lipa ma'am. I must admit that it was so unique and enthralling that neither I have anything in life to compare it with neither I have words which can describe it even vaguely.I was frustrated for years in various spheres of my life and I was unable to understand what I am supposed to do, whether I am doing what I am supposed to do, what is my way forward. I had applied all of my intelligence for years to understand these questions only to realise that all my knowledge, intelligence or logic will never be able to answer it. But at the same time I had no help also which I can seek. All psychotherapist, psychiatrist or psychologist were almost close to being useless in my case. That too in a situation that I am myself a cardiologist. Then by grace of God I came across Dolores and through her Lipa ma'am. I was bit sceptical when I was going but I knew it very clearly nothing else will help me and my gut feeling told me to go ahead and I thank you myself that I went for session overcoming my resistance. It was the best thing which happened to me after long long time. Thank you ma'am from bottom of my heart. You are really a guide and saviour, at least for me. Keep doing this great and unique work.🙌
AM, 31 Techie

Jan 2024

I am writing this after a week from my session with Lipa, I would say Lipa is great at her work it was a beautiful experience. Lipa gives enough time no rush and have a good discussion around all the questions you bring for session, the initial exercise is basically knowing about you and your questions , second phase is is about QHHT where Lipa with guide you with care to go through all your past life experience which are important for your current life and heal all the problem you are carrying from past life. All the questions were answered by my higher self and the only things you have to do is trust your higher self. I got a lot of clarity about my spiritual journey. Earlier I was not connected to nature but after session I fell more connected to nature and it's a blissful experience. I would highly recommend session to anyone who is looking for answer about life, spirituality and healing.
NV, 35 Civil Engineer

May 2022

I am writing this review after 10 days of my first session with Lipa ma'am so as to let all the feelings sink in me first. Firstly, I would like to say that she is an amazing person who takes pleasure in her work. It was so easy to build a connect with her and I could share almost everything without giving a second thought. She never looks in hurry. I went on 19 Feb 2022 for the session and had a great experience but still was feeling that something remains unresolved. After the session, we talked for long and she herself offered me another session on 24 Feb 2022 (at no extra cost). I came again. Had a wonderful session again. Found many answers this time. But now that a few days have passed since my first session, I would like to mention that it was my skeptical and over analytical mind which was creating barriers during the first session. Even after my first session, I was healed actually. Day by day, I am feeling better and better. My chronic back pain almost vanished just like a MAGIC after my first sitting itself. For the treatment of this pain, I had spent a lot of time and money already. Plus the pain was stopping me from doing many activities earlier. Besides that, many other things have started making sense to me now. It seems as if I am receiving some divine help. My advice to all of you out there would be to come with a very open mind with 100% faith in the process and take it EASY. For Lipa ma'am, I would like to thank you once more. Please keep on doing great work. God bless 🙂
SK, 32 Doctor

May 2022

It was my higher self that showed the way to Lipa. I feel she came with a big mission of healing people and awakening them to their real purpose of life. She is v understanding and I felt v safe with her. If you feel entirely stuck in your life and all doors appear closed, she is your door. She is all love. I thank universe for this amazing experience and I hope I use all the knowledge gained through the session to align with my soul plan easily. 💜
NIB, 52 Teacher, New Delhi

April 3rd, 2022

I have had the privilege to have a session with you. QHHT PROCESS WITH LIPA MA'AM WAS AN INTENSE HEALING. I decided to pen down my feelings here today after 16 days. It is very difficult to share my experience but still, I will try my level best to write my thoughts. Though QHHT cannot erase grief but gives us a clear head to be able to accept and embrace it with full acceptance of our situation. During the session, only my mind was active and I was unaware of my body. Lipa healed me from within and I am so obliged from my depths of the heart. I got the answers to the root causes of my unexplained sorrows and depleting emotions not only knowing them but healing them too During the session I met my Sai Baba it was an awesome experience the roses... the smell of roses Babaji's touch was real that I cannot explain them. Even I cried a lot as Baba Ji was crying with me. I have no words to write my feelings l can't explain... the list to describe both the session and Lipa ma'am is endless. She is a great healer and a great person too. I still have many questions and want to go once again to get my answer to all the unanswered questions and I will surely talk to her about this. What happened was so so so so real. It is difficult to believe but can only be felt. It is even difficult for someone who is a very logical and emotional person. It's something that one has to experience first in order to believe it. Thank you ma'am from the depths of my heart thank you, ma'am, thank you, thank you so much !!!!!!
NB, 51 Teacher, Delhi

April 2022

It was a great experience. I went through the valleys with white, purple and pink flowers. Everything was crystal clear. Sai Baba was there. He loved me. The angels showered flowers on me. It was great. I could feel Baba’s hand on my head and on my heart. All the pain went away as soon as he put his hand on my heart. Angels were dancing and showering flowers. Jesus was there, smiling. Sai Baba was speaking in front of me and crying with me. He was so calm. He spoke to me and I could feel his breath. The birds were flying and chirping around. He said so clearly, “To Live and Let Live!”
Thank you my angels, thank you Universe, I am blessed.
S.Gaurav, 33 HR Professional, New Delhi

February 2022

I had an amazing and transformative soul empowering journey with Lipa.
She guided and helped me to go through the QHHT session with utmost care and comfort.
My objective to reach out to her was to heal a collection of physical and mental trauma endured in this lifetime.
I am optimistic that her session has enabled my "higher self" to be able to stand up and take care of me in the best ways possible.
Thank You Lipa For This Amazing Experience.
Shalini S, 29 Cloud Kitchen Entrepreneur, New Delhi

February 2022

It's been a few days since my first QHHT session with Lipa and I can already tell that this has been a life changing experience for me! I have to say that from the first instance that I found Lipa's website, I could tell that she is someone I could trust completely. I have been in psychotherapy for years and I reached a point where I instinctively knew that therapy alone was not going to help me and the quest to find answers led me to find Lipa.
On meeting with her in person, it was so easy to connect with her, she is so warm, kind and patient. She gave me all the time I needed to share everything I wanted to about my life.
About the therapy, I realise it's unique for every person who experiences it. What I can tell you is that it will bring so much more clarity for you, you will get the answers you are looking for. As for me, it was easy for me to communicate and I can already feel a difference both physically & mentally and it's just been a couple of days. I cannot wait to see what changes I experience in the coming time and I say this with the understanding that it'll happen when it has to.
So grateful for Lipa and this whole experience!
Anu RK, 32 IT Professional, Gurgaon

February 2022

One word: wow
Lipa ma’am is fantastic at what she does. I think she is very phenomenal and very learned -one of her kind. It was a very different experience and it did answer so much for me. I would recommend this to more people who need this. I think for me it was meant to because I found her by pure luck! It was destined. Thanks once again ma’am and I am so sure you will have a great and blessed life!!!
SS, 57 Pranic Healer, Gurgaon

September 30th, 2021

It’s an excellent experience. It’s truly great and touched my heart. Love you so much.
Amit, 42 Business Consultant

September 8th, 2021

I got to know about QHHT session from the internet. I’m glad that I met Lipa ma’am. I found her very supportive, knowledgeable and kind. It was helpful to discover my life purpose and see why I’m positioned the way I am in my current life. Thanks for all her guidance and mentorship. I recommend the session to everyone at least once in their lifetime. Regards.
Sonal S, 48 Professor, Gurgaon

September 3rd, 2021

It was a wonderful session with Lipa. I am feeling so relaxed and comfortable. I came here seeking answers to my problems and amazingly I got all my answers. Hopefully I will get insight of how to live my life purposefully in the coming days. I am really grateful for her patient hearing and for being non judgmental. Thank you so much.
PJ, 46 Interior Designer, New Delhi

August 26th, 2021

Thank you Lipa, for the most integrated, powerful, helpful, regression session. I experienced a total merging with my higher self. & everything and everyone around me also kind of merged with that power. I’m feeling healed, whole, complete and joyful aligned to myself.
I experienced someone outside of me was speaking on my behalf. There was a huge release experience. Thank you for your beautiful energy that I could easily open my heart and the flow that has been missing since my husband’s death, returned. Thank you so-so much.
MM, 53 Senior Journalist, Gurgaon

July 31st, 2021

I came here not knowing what exactly to expect. I only knew that this is what I wanted to do. To find out. To seek answers. Lipa was a Godsend. The session was very cathartic. I emerged feeling light, relaxed and content. I’m glad I came to Lipa. Thanks for everything. Looking forward to the happy times.

Tanya, 32 Pastry Chef, Gurgaon

July 22nd, 2021

I’m writing this right after my session with the amazing Lipa Rath. Honestly right now I am quiet speechless. Being a skeptic it all seemed quiet strange to me. After speaking for some time (which happened completely naturally as Lipa is so easy to speak with) we started the hypnosis. The soul explained so much about the current life I am in. I can’t recommend her enough, she is absolutely lovely.

AS, 50 Corporate Soft Skills Trainer, Delhi

July 20th, 2021

Dear Lipa, thank you for an amazing QHHT session. It was powerful, beyond imagination. Moving from lifetimes to connecting from my soul to the universe was an overwhelming experience. Felt immense energy and the best part was – I discovered who I am. Thank you so much, Lots of Love and Gratitude.  – AS

Poem La, 59 Housewife, Delhi

July 18th, 2021

I Poem La had a wonderful session with Lipa. She is a wonderful person. She took me into my past life with great ease and comfort, helped me release my trauma’s I was facing in this life. I feel relieved and relaxed and a happier person. I have also realized my purpose of being here on Earth. I thank Lipa from the bottom of my heart. I also thank all those who have touched me in this life and guided me in this journey. I ask for forgiveness from all for anything where I could no meet up to their expectations, in this (my soul journey) Blessings to my children, Thanks Poemla.

Kabbu L, 31 Entrepreneur, Gurgaon

July 10th, 2021 

Dear Lipa, I feel uplifted, unburdened and peaceful after this wonder QHHT Session. It’s an experience I have learnt from and will impact my life positively moving forward. My heart goes out to you helping me through this powerful process. I am grateful and abundance of love is showered from me to you.

Reena S, 52 Associate Professor, Jhajjar

July 7th 2021

It was a wonderful experience to have a session with Ms. Rath. I am feeling so light and fine after the session. Within minutes I was transported to some other worlds. She patiently took me to several births- the journey was cleared to me the reasons behind several of my sufferings and ailments. Ms. Rath is wonderfully nice and a soft-spoken person, and will make you feel comfortable the moment you start speaking to her. The (hypnotic) session lasted for good two hours, but I felt that it must have been only for a few minutes. The experience is so magical that it can just be experienced, not explained.

Vinay, 41 CA, Mumbai

June 20th 2021

Thanks, Lipa for a very insightful session. It was very helpful to reconnect with my higher self. In the “busyness” of our lives we can get distracted and this session was useful in getting me grounded again.
HS, 25 Entrepreneur

June 19th, 2021

The experience finally connected me to myself and my inner voice. It was amazing to have the wisdom come through from the higher self with love and acceptance. Thanks a ton to Lipa Ma’am for this opportunity. Tons of love and gratitude!

Nigar, 36 Housewife, Delhi

June 9th, 2021

On my arrival at this place, I could feel the warmth from Lipa ma’am. The session was really wonderful! Huge thanks to you ma’am, hope you will keep helping people with this wonderful therapy. Life is beautiful.

Sidhant, 26 Entrepreneur, Delhi

March 31st, 2021

This was an out-of-the-world experience for me. It would take me some days to start believing what I experienced was real. I’m blessed to have received this QHHT and have more trust in the power of the divine. Thank you Lipa ma’am, for this priceless experience.

Para, 44 Project Manager, Gurgaon

March 25th, 2021

Gratitude is all I can say and express to this wonderful lady Lipa who helped me connect to my higher self and made me feel so wonderful and confident about myself. More strength and power to you for helping humans like me connect to our higher selves and bring a perspective/purpose into our lives.

Angel, 36 HR Professional, Gurgaon

March 6th, 2021

It was a lovely QHHT experience to know about lot of things. A peaceful and relaxing therapy. I feel energetic and at peace at the same time. I will recommend people to take this experience and feel the change. We have all the power within and this therapy and session will definitely bring a lot of change in you and your thinking perspective.

Ronnie, 39 Entrepreneur, Gurgaon

February 21st 2021

What a wonderful session with Lipa. Almost unreal but real to the core. Got to know so many things about me and important people in my current life, and how they are connected from past lives. So many unresolved issues were discussed with my higher self in the session which were bothering me for a long time. Would like to thank my guardian angels and Lipa Rath for accommodating this important session. Lipa is very empathetic and a patient personality and a good facilitator. God bless her. Keep helping people like this.

Alizeh, 19 Student, Gurgaon

February 20th, 2021:

I had a rather profound QHHT session. I feel it has answered a lot of questions I had about my life. While the feeling is taking time to settle in, this is something? I would recommend to everyone to indulge in at least once. I have unraveled facets to myself that I did not know existed prior to coming here. The experience was so surreal… incredibly surreal.

Jassi, 39 Software Engineer, Gurgaon

January 30th, 2021:

Thanks to Lipa and thanks to my Gurus for this opportunity to have a QHHT session. I came across many life times with life lessons I needed to revisit to unlock my present life. There were messages from above also that would help me in the future and clarified many questions I have been carrying in mind since many years. I hope things get clearer and better in the future. Wish Lipa all the best and thanks again.

Abhishek, 25 Budding Entrepreneur, New Delhi

January 22nd 2021:

Today I had a QHHT session with Lipa Rath and I’m feeling so grateful. She is so compassionate about other people. She listened to all my problems. In the session I got a lot of information on how to live a better life. How to stop living in my little introverted world and go out and meet new people and live a full-fledged life. Also got to know how to eat healthy. Also got to know about some karmic connection from past life. I’m also told that I will meet my soulmate or twin flame soon. I am grateful the universe guiding me to this place.

Arcturian Starseed, 20 B.Tech Student, Gurgaon

January 9th, 2021:

I had wonderful out of the world experience with Lipa Ma’am guiding me while I was exploring other dimensions all at once. There are so many amazing beings out there trying to reach out for people who are open to connect with them. QHHT gives perfect experience to step out of logical mind and explore all the possibilities of infinite universe.

Twinkle, 45 Corp Trainer, Allahabad

January 3rd, 2021:

Initially I was skeptical if I would regress but it all unfolded so beautifully and left me in awe and wonder. Helped me to understand my fears and how to overcome the same. Thank you, Lipa. God bless.

Dr. Aggarwal, 33 Physician, Gurgaon

December 27th, 2020:

I had a wonderful session with Lipa Rath. It helped me heal my past experiences and many painful events in my life. I have learnt to let go of my past and have gratitude for my future. I have healed my past experiences. Thank you so much.

Sonia P, 23 CA, Gurgaon

December 22nd, 2020:

I came due to the sudden demise of my father and my grandmother. Looking for answers around what might happen after death and if we ever do unite with the ones we’ve lost. I had a great experience with Lipa as she truly listened to everything about me and my life before beginning the second half of the session. I got the answers I was looking for and am leaving a happier person than I came in. There is a lot we don’t know and can learn and heal from if given the opportunity.

Thank you Lipa!

Himani S, 42 Fulltime Mom and a Software Engineer, Gurgaon

December 19th, 2020:

Thanks a lot for the awesome session, Lipa. It was an amazing journey that we can gift to ourselves, healing ourselves and letting go.

Awakened Soul, 45 Software Engineer, Gurgaon

December 16th, 2020:

This QHHT session has given me a peek into my past and from where all my present events are coming. It was an eye-opener looking into your own self. Being guided to do what we are here to do. Big thanks to Lipa for being a listener and a human being. Hoping to live a life full of gratitude and love. Thanks once again for this wonderful insight into my life, Lipa. God bless you.

Rohan T, 34 Marketing Manager from Gurgaon

December 2nd, 2020:

The session today with Lipa proved to be a very enlightening experience. It provided me with the answers to all my physical health issues. The journey that took me into my previous life was like watching a period film set in the middle ages. I am thankful for the opportunity to experience this and especially to Lipa for providing me with the answers to help me heal.

A very professionally handled session with all the sensitivity that is required.

Sakshi, 33 Software Engineer from Mathura

November 27th, 2020:

I had a QHHT session today. It was an eye-opener and led towards revealing blockages in my present life and how I can navigate my future. Many thanks to Lipa for being a medium and guide in the session.

S Linga, 36 Engineer from Hyderabad

November 11th, 2020:

This session was intense. The pre-talk was wonderful. Lipa held space for me to pour out all my questions, worries, doubts, and guided me to the fundamental answers that I was seeking. The guided part was intense. I was very emotional and felt lighter once I woke up. I look forward to new things in my life and want to move ahead with confidence and trust in myself. Lipa, thank you for holding space

Rahul M, 46 Motivational Speaking Services, Gurgaon

October 29th, 2020:

This has been an excellent session with Lipa. Where she took me to the journey of past lives, and I could unfold the blocks in this life and the troubles and pains that kept me hurting from the past 20 years or more. Today I’m healed by this service and by a great facilitator like Lipa, who shall be your very cooperative guide and mentor in this tour. I highly recommend people to visit and unlock the hidden barriers and remove the burdens of the past.

Bobby B, 50 Retired Services, Lucknow

October 14th, 2020:

I had a wonderful QHHT session of healing. I released a lot. Got in touch with me real self. Lipa is a very gentle and amazing human being and a wonderful healer. I was carrying a lot and it all came out. She made me flow like a river. Much love and gratitude.

Priya B, 23 Student of Clinical Psychology, Amity University, Gurgaon

September 27th, 2020:

This has been an excellent session with Lipa. Where she took me to the journey of past lives, and I could unfold the blocks in this life and the troubles and pains that kept me hurting from the past 20 years or more. Today I’m healed by this service and by a great facilitator like Lipa, who shall be your very cooperative guide and mentor in this tour. I highly recommend people to visit and unlock the hidden barriers and remove the burdens of the past.

Rohit B, 21 Student at Delhi University

September 12th, 2020:

The QHHT session was very soothing and calming while helping me discover more about me. The session makes your mind much more free, allowing yourself to critique as well as accept your values and personality. I felt like a mental barrier was removed and I was able to look myself with honesty that I had not managed in previous counseling sessions. The environment it is done is very safe and the counseling was extremely helpful throughout the process. I am very grateful to Lipa ma’am for an illuminating session.

Suyog P, 27 Professional Poker Player

August 12th, 2020:

Awesome experience, felt at ease, and I was comfortable about my emotions letting flow. During the QHHT (trance) session I had some initial doubts regarding my state of mind and quickly turned into realizing where I am, what I am going through, and so on. I got a lot of details about my past life along with a lot of direction on what needs to be done to heal myself and my problems. I hope these directions keep coming.




Rob S, 52 Entrepreneur, Gurgaon

June 1st 2020:

Thank you, Lipa. Thanks for the help. I have experienced my past life and future. It has helped me to overcome my fears, hesitation and opened my blocked thoughts. I have experienced a beautiful life through you. I got all my answers. Take care.




Preeti Sharma, 20 Student, Kota, Rajasthan

March 14, 2020:

I just had a wonderful experience of QHHT session. Its great to know your Higher Self and purpose of life. It’s wonderful to release all the emotional blockages and baggage which we carry from different past lives

Lipa ma’am is a very sweet and an amazing person. Her motherly love helped me to tell all my problems to her. Her guidance helped to heal myself. A huge respect and love for her.


Red Bird, 51 TV Anchor, Kuwait

February 28, 2020:
Thank you Lipa, for helping me find clarity and to connect with my lovely higher self. Love you!

Sitara, 36 Classical Dancer, Delhi
Ananya, 24 Student, Delhi

January 30, 2020:

I really enjoyed the experience with QHHT. I got answers to a lot of questions that I had and got clarity on a lot of subjects. I have faith that experience today will lead to a lot of personal growth for me. Thank you so much!




Sudeep, 40 Techie, Gurgaon

January 25, 2020:

Dear Lipa, I believe I’m undergoing a process. A process to transform myself. Today you have helped me personally to take it forward in a much accelerated way and opened my mind and soul to the direction which it needed to follow. I will also admit that I will have more questions for which I will continue to seek answers. Thank you for being a part of my journey. Feel blessed with new insights. Regards

Mahesh, 26 Techie, Noida

December 02, 2019:

It was an enriching experience. Lipa understands all questions very well and makes sure everything is answered. Deep calm feeling. Thank you for the experience.


Komal, 35 Single Mom with 2 children, Delhi

November 22, 2019:

I felt very light coming over here. I shared a lot of information and vented out lots. Lipa was very patient to listen and heal and guide me through many good positive ideas on how to be happy!!




Nikky, 29 Digital Media Marketing, Gurgaon

October 21, 2019:

I just had a lovely session with Lipa, and I think I understand things about me; the patterns that I have been creating that I didn’t know, so far, no matter how much soul searching I did. I am not very religious but I believe in the power of mind and our subconscious. I feel like in connecting with my deeper mind I have found answers and direction I was looking for.

Sam, 35 Hypnotherapist, Mumbai

October 20, 2019:

Lipa was so peaceful when she conducted the session. She calms and relaxes you for the stories to unfold. I would recommend to people for QHHT sessions.

RNT, 48 IT Inspector, Odisha

October 18, 2019:

Very nice experience- this is amazing to know about your last birth. Lipa ji is very nice and polite. She is very experienced in QHHT session. I would recommend this to all.

Tanya, 40 Life Coach, Ludhiana

October 3, 2019:

It was a wonderful discovery of self, the beautiful relationships and their importance. Lipa is “fun-tastic” in what she does and I wish all her best in her continuous journey of empowering others. Love!


Solenta, 35 Engineer/Mother, South Africa

October 1, 2019: 

Feeling relaxed, body feels light and can breathe more fully through my lungs. I have more insight and direction of what I need to do. I am released. Thank you.


Aman, 28 Businessman, Delhi

Sept 29, 2019: 

Before I started the session I was very depressed & feeling lonely, stressful and pain in my heart. As the session started I got to know why I was too attached with my family emotionally and mentally, the purpose why I’m here in this life. Now I know very well how to manage my life.

AR, 28 Software Engineer, Hyderabad

Sept 14th 2019: 

The session was good. One has to experience this bliss instead of thinking – a one-stop solution for all. I feel Lipa Madam is doing a wonderful thing getting things sorted in one way by the session. If you have any problem regarding a physical issue or a mental one, this is a place where you get rid of. I got to know all the problems I had and why I had them. I feel a new beginning has started. I urge everyone to take help from Lipa ma’am. She has been the perfect thing to get rid of all what I had. Thank you so much!


Saroj Gupta, 19 Guitarist/Musician, Delhi

Sept 9th 2019: 

I feel amazing and connected to my higher self. I feel this is really deep. When I take up my spiritual practice in totality will reach where my higher self aspires to be. I am going to correct everything that I’m supposed to.


Naina, 38 Project Consultant, Delhi

Sept 7th 2019:

I am so much in peace with myself. I’m absolutely indifferent to things around me. I love being in the state of myself; calm and peace in accepting in everything.

Lipa Rath: she is absolutely phenomenal and makes you feel so comfortable. She listens to you with no preconceived notions and helps you tremendously to listen your own self. Thank you for being so kind and doing greater good to lost souls of today’s world.

Laxmi, 35 Dentist, West Delhi

Aug 27th 2019: 

I had a good session with ma’am. She is very sweet and accepts us as we are. Had a wonderful and a blissful experience. I hope this will help me throughout my life. I am going back with a clearer mind and understand my problems and deal with it blissfully.

Mohit, 28 Scientist, Delhi

Aug 21st 2019: 

It was an extremely wonderful session. It was a key to my emotional problems. Lipa ma’am was very sweet and encouraging. It was a life changing experience and valuable five hours. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart.

Ridhi, 32 Consultant, Gurgaon

Aug 12, 2019: Thank you for the enlightenment. More than the therapy, a deep conversation was something it seems I was longing for. Thank you for your time and patience.

Star, 28 School Teacher, Joshimath, Uttarakhand

Aug 9, 2019: It was an amazing session today. I never expected it this way. It has been much more than my expectation. I feel so fortunate I came here. Thank you so much.

Lotus Eye, 60 Social Worker, Greater Noida, UP

July 27th 2019: Divine session today thank you Lipa, for the most divine session today. I term it as such as I feel purged of a lot of negativity, angst and doubt. I believe that I got some important answers to the questions that have bothered me for a long time. Bless you! Gratitude! 

Sharda, 39 Advocate, Cuttack, Odisha

July 26th 2019: Every person has an inner voice. But our inner noise is so high, that the inner noise takes time to become inner conviction. If somebody really wants the transformation of voice to conviction please come to Lipa. Let go of all your fears and she will help you revealed with love, without judgment and you can see her in her eyes that she is comfortable even to the worst of uncomfortable things. Love and compassion in her eyes will make you totally at ease.

Amit, 40 Software Engr, Los Altos, CA, USA

June 28, 2019:

Session was great and Lipa was very supportive. Took me a while to get into trance mode, but I was very shocked at my past life events and their relevance to my current issues. Thanks, Lipa. Hope this helps me in my next steps.

Arunav, 44 Businessman, Delhi

June 19, 2019:

Thanks a lot Lipa, for this session. Feel much better after knowing the source of my problems. I hope to use the guidance from my higher self for solving my problems.

Dr. Priya, 27 Homoeopathic doctor, New Delhi

June 18, 2019:

Thank you, Lipa ma’am. Aaj ka din mere liye bahut special hai. Jin sawalon ke answers mein dhundh rahi thi woh mujhe mil gaye. Aapne bahut acche se meri journey tak le jane mein meri help ki. Session bahut accha tha. Thank you ma’am, aapne meri cheez ko bahut acche se samjha aur meri kaafi help ki. Aap ek divine soul ho aur yahan sabki healing ke liye aapko bheja gaya hai. Aap bahut acche ho apne kaam mein. Thank you so much, Ma’am. May God bless you!

Dr. Manu, 45 Ayurvedic doctor, Gurgaon

June 15, 2019:

I had a strong session with Lipa. She is really really passionate- has a lot of patience. She would explain every bit in detail, open to questions, tries to get into the “real” problem and would try to resolve. I am really happy and I found some answers to the troubles I’m coming across. I want to say thank you to her for all the love, compassion and patience she has. I wish her all the best in life. Thank you, Lipa.

Amy, 27 Banker, Rourkela, Odisha

June 7, 2019:

It was a wonderful experience to go through. I feel ecstatic! One needs to be open to go through the experience and Lipa is a wonderful guide. With much love.

Swati, 35 HR Professional, Gurgaon

May 26, 2019:

It was a great session. Have been able to find most of the answers to my struggles. Going back and remembering how I’ve been was truly an experience. I will take back the learning and apply.

Ramesh, 45 Chartered Accountant, Delhi

May 25, 2019:

Thank you very much, Lipa! Your session brought up several revelations and new perspective of looking at life. Keep the good work!!

SG, 42 Content Writer, Noida

May 18, 2019:

I had an enlightening session today with Lipa Ma’am. I got answers to a lot of queries. I recommend everyone at least once in their life time to go through this session. And am really grateful to Lipa ma’am and wish her all the best in her divine mission. Regards.

S. Arjun, 33 Image Consultant, Hong Kong

May 16, 2019:

A real honest and open session where you get to know yourself at a much deeper level. Lipa is a sweetheart and very genuine in her approach. Trust the process and wait for the magic!

Sonika, 27 Business Consultant, Gurgaon

May 11, 2019:

I have always been worried about my relationships in my life but this session has given me hope to continue my life without any fears. Getting to know about the root cause of your problem by visiting past was is like getting to know about an illness that can be healed and this gives tremendous hope to carry on with your life.I feel the session has filled me with hope of a better life and has given a new dimension to my life itself. Thank you Lipa, for this wonderful session I feel extremely relaxed after this session.

Sasha, 37 Fashion Designer, South of France

April 27, 2019: 

Thanks for this beautiful session, with your presence. This session is the first day of the rest of my life. I feel it’s life changing. I’m now ready to live fully. The session itself is very relaxing and nourishing. Lipa is so skilled and she led the session with love, respect and great listening. Feel so peaceful after this day. Thanks so much.

Sumit, 35 Banker, Delhi

April 28 2019:

Session is about knowing yourself, your problems and solutions, and the best thing is that solution lies within yourself. I started this session with Ms. Lipa Rath at 11am with normal conversation in a peaceful and a calm environment. The session will reveal everything to you so that you can understand the main issue or the solution.

Amit K, 34 Entrepreneur, Gurgaon

April 19, 2019:

I have just gone through a QHHT session. It was a wonderful experience. I feel so rejuvenated and great. Though I remember only a few glimpses of the session, but the way my body is feeling is extraordinary. Lipa is a great hypnotherapist. She has done a great job making me realize what I am. Thanks so much, Lipa.

Silver Light, 39 Homemaker, Gurgaon

April 13, 2019:

Thank you Lipa, for the beautiful session. I came here with a baggage full of guilt and shame but you helped me out. Now I’m a free spirit ready to love myself back and love others too. Secondly, it’s a delight to meet you, dear. You are a beautiful soul, came here to help lost people like us. Great work!!

I highly recommend this QHHT session once to everyone in his or her lifetime. It’s an experience worth all the wealth of this world. Thank you once again. With love!


Lucifer, 35 Systems Engineer, Noida

April 7, 2019:

The session was very helpful for me, like a shade of a big tree in summer. With peace came clarity of thought.

Madhu, 44 IT tech support, Gurgaon

April 6, 2019:

About the session: It was a wonderful experience, which gave me insight about what I feel.
About Lipa: She is a wonderful personality who listens and tries to be on the same page with her clients and cooperates as much as she can. Thank you so much.

Soumya, 38, Corp. Executive, Chennai

April 5, 2019: 

It was an eye opener for me. All that I seek for is within. I walked in with so much of confusion and I walk out with so much clarity. Lipa has an ocean of patience and she is such a dedicated person in whatever she’s doing. Thank you Lipa. Lots of gratitude.

Prince, 37 Corp Executive, Delhi

April 1, 2019:

I strongly recommend this session. It’s a great way to experience who you are and what this universe wants to manifest through you. I feel deeply relaxed and peace after the session, but I think what is more important is to get clarity about yourself and your future. This session can be helpful in so many ways that can’t be expressed in words. Thanks to Lipa, she is a blessed soul who is helping others to find the purpose of their life.

Vishal, 45 Corp Leader, Delhi

March 30, 2019:

Hi Lipa! Thanks for the wonderful session. Eye-opener. Continue the good and noble work.

Sukanya, 31 Teacher, Mumbai

March 13, 2019:

The session was a good healing experience. I explored worlds I never imagined I have lived. I still can’t believe the things I saw. The mind is an spectacular organ. I hope that all how come here find their answers and get the help they need. You will certainly take away something useful that you needed at that time. Thank you Ms. Lipa for your time and guidance.

Bhanvee, 32 Interior Designer, Gurgaon

March 29, 2019: 

Session made me realize the internal stress that I was going through. Lipa was a very good listener and helped me let out all things, and now I feel light.

Thank you so much.

Prakash S, 60 Entrepreneur, Bhubaneswar, Odisha

March 19, 2019: 

Had a session with Madam Lipa and it was a great new experience that one has to go through in his/her life.

Aparna M, 50 Writer, Bhubaneswar, Odisha

March 16, 2019:

Just had a tête-à-tête with my higher self. Myriads of emotions blocking my intellect… searching for the right word… huh… mind-blowing, exhilarating, incredible, all the power packed words seem to express my feelings that I went through right now. Do come n align with your higher self to find greater purpose of your life. Thank you so much Lipa, for what you have been doing.

Madhabi, 71 Poet/Author, Bhubaneswar

March 15, 2019:

I felt the session was very meaningful for me. Lipa carried me off to a different direction- to my past life, to my higher self. I received help for my higher-self which was healing for me. I must realize the experience myself deeply to feel more out of this session. I am thankful to Lipa for this rightly help.

Sukanya, 31 Teacher, Mumbai

March 13, 2019:

The session was a good healing experience. I explored worlds I never imagined I have lived. I still can’t believe the things I saw. The mind is an spectacular organ. I hope that all how come here find their answers and get the help they need. You will certainly take away something useful that you needed at that time. Thank you Ms. Lipa for your time and guidance.




Aroma, 28 Financial Services, New Delhi

March 12, 2019:

In the past few months there has been so much that has intrigued me, and Qhht has been one of those things. At some point in my life I understood that I needed to heal and I was almost guided to come for Lipa’s session. There is so much that I know about myself and my trauma and how to release it. I’m grateful for getting the opportunity to undergo Qhht and get answers to some of my questions.




Tohida, 29 Tech Support, Gurgaon

March 9, 2019

Lipa Ma’am, you have been always good to me in the past. I came again for some purpose and that is fulfilled now. Beautiful experience I had today during the session. Thank you. Keep inspiring people. Love

Sahej, 35 Software Developer, New Delhi

March 5, 2019:

It was a very empowering and healing session. This session not only answered the life bogging questions I had but also guided me what to work on, which way to go ahead.

Sunny, 35 Banker, Melbourne, Australia

February 28, 2019

Never had thought doing such session will make a big difference. I can only talk about what I felt after the session- my conscience was clear. That’s all I needed. Thank you Lipa, for listening and really caring.

Meera, 39 Soft skill Trainer, Gurgaon

February 16, 2019

Lipa Rath! Words aren’t enough to express the time spent experiencing her qhht session. The healing I already feel, a lifetime spent searching what took only a day. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Love and light.

Ranjan, 59 IT Professional, Bhubaneswar

February 12, 2019

Great experience. Diving into the subconscious was breathtaking.

Ashok, 43 Brand Manager, Bhubaneswar

February 11, 2019

It’s a lifetime experience going through QHHT session. Got to know more about myself and the healing session is wonderful.

Pradeep, 25 Software Engineer, Bhubaneswar

February 10, 2019

Very good session. Very relaxing and it calmed my mind. Feels like nothing is bothering me now. Feels light weight. Very helpful in being a human being and enjoying life.

Tarun Sharma, 23 Automobile Interior designer, Pune

February 5, 2019

It was a magical experience and will definitely feel like you have just returned from the wonderland with all the bliss that accompanies it. I would recommend this experience to any or all souls.

Mrs. R, 32 Engineer, Pune

January 28, 2019

Session with Lipa ma’am was amazing. After my husband’s passing I was looking for answers from life. After the session it helped with answers as well as with some amazing surprises. If you are in grief and pain and looking for answers QHHT and Lipa Ma’am will surely help you. Lots of love.

Khushboo, 25, Project Manager, Gurgaon

January 26, 2019:

The session was extremely helpful, relaxing and inspiring. I found my answers and the help that I was seeking from my subconscious mind. Maybe, I was destined to meet Ms. Lipa. She’s a wonderful lady, very kind and supportive. My SC has given me all the strength during the session. It was deeply relaxing. I wish Ms. Lipa much success and prosperity. Would love to have another session.

Akshay Kumar, 32 Politician, Mandi, Himanchal Pradesh

January 19, 2019

I totally loved my session. Got to know so much about me that I didn’t know. It has been an eye-opener and I would definitely recommend to all my friends or anyone seeking answers.

Kowsalya Ramesh, 41 Homemaker, Chennai/Wellington, New Zealand

January 16, 2019:

Thanks Lipa for giving me and my family such wonderful healing energy session. I’m grateful for showing me how to connect to my higher self and yet the necessary guidance. All your efforts and service is much appreciated and it’s really an enjoyable journey in my life healing process. There is no worry or fear about your healing methods for anybody. It’s safe and more enjoyable for anyone. Thanks a lot from the bottom of my heart to such a loving soul who takes time for others’ healing. Cheers... 

Pallak, 33 Homemaker, Gurgaon

January 12, 2019

I had a wonderful session with Lipa ji today. I feel so much lighter, relaxed and free. There are some things, which can only be experienced and not put into words and this is one of them. Would recommend everyone to go for it as only good things will come out of it. Thank you so much.

Doriane, 46 Gardner, from South of France

January 11, 2019:

Even though I was witnessing my mind control, some words are expressed which will help me to understand myself and let it happen as it should.

Ishavel, 52 Herbalist, Asturias, Spain

January 10, 2019:

I had my first experience of Qhht. I can say that it is wonderful to connect with your higher self. It is to remember again that you are a small piece of the “all” and this is all is waiting for you to notice. You are never alone the totality is always with you. This Qhht can make you remember what you forgot.


Prabha, 45 Financial Services, Gurgaon

December 27, 2018:

Thank you, Lipa. I was very confused and anxious about like. I got direction and reason for all that is happening in my life. It was a magical experience for me. The story that I saw of my previous life was like a movie running with all colours and sounds. I hope this will bring peace in my life. As per the story the pain in my head was due to the guilt accumulated by treating my wife badly in that life. The pain in my leg was because I used to beat & kick my wife in that life. My subconscious/ SC or higher power healed me during the session helped me to get the forgiveness from that wife from the previous life and healed me during the session. I felt jerks in my body. It was magical and I’m grateful.

Tanya Sharma, 28 IT services, Gurgaon

December 16, 2018:

This whole experience changed me. I am feeling a new me now. In the small span of time I felt I had journey of two life times. It refreshed me and I don’t want to come out of this feeling for a long time. It feels as if I have taken out all the negativity from my body. Just believe in your higher self. All the answers to your questions lie within you.

Nita, 52 VP at Multinational Pharmaceutical, Gurgaon

December 15, 2018:

I had a very wonderful experience with Lipa Rath. She listened to my problems, and gave 5 hours to help me through healing with QHHT.

Khushboo, 47 Entrepreneur, Gurgaon

December 13, 2018: 

Very satisfying experience. Lipa is a very professional and a compassionate human being. My session was bizarre and very unexpected. While I wanted to experience realms, I ended up with what my higher self wanted me to experience. Thank you, Lipa.

Anubhav, 21 Student from Sydney, Australia

December 10, 2018: 

I was looking for a Qhht session while I was in Australia. I waited for 4-6 months, did a lot of research and got connected to Lipa Ma’am. It has been a life changing experience for me.

Nirvan, 26 Entrepreneur, Gurgaon

December 9, 2018: 

You have to experience to feel the power of the session. In one word it’s completely “empowering”. 


Nirvan, 26, Entrepreneur, Gurgaon

December 9th, 2018

Mark R, 57 Realtor, Kona, Hawaii

Nov 11, 2018:

It was an amazing experience. It was nothing like I expected. Lipa is very professional and has helped me tremendously. I feel I can move forward with meaning and purpose. Thank you so much!

Abha, 55 Leadership Coach, California

Nov 2, 2018:

Loved working with Lipa; she truly cares. She took time in understanding my past/present and purpose in seeking out her assistance. It felt like she was completely vested in my well being and that I got answers to help me move forward.

Lalita, 27 Hospitality Business, Shimla

Oct 22, 2018:

I had an amazing session of QHHT. Discovered things about myself I never knew existed. My higher self taught me the true meaning of love. Love is the answer. With love you can touch every soul a little bit. Thank you for giving me the experience of a lifetime.

(Lalita lost her younger brother to leukemia a month back. Wanted him to come back as her child. She was asked not to insist on that, rather pray for understanding.)

Suman, 48 Works in Ministry of Health, Delhi

Oct 20, 2018: 

Kal ka session lamba tha, per kafi kuch sikhne wala tha. Aaj ka session anand dayi tha. Main adhyatmik anand prachurta se paaya.


Imanol, 39 Senior Corp Exec, 39, Delhi

Oct 16, 2018:

It’s a wonderful experience to know and connect with yourself. Lipa is an amazing guide to show you your life path. I’m very thankful.


Priyanka, 33 HR Exec, Gurgaon

Oct 14, 2018:

I went through a QHHT session with Lipa. When I initially got to know about her on Internet, I was little skeptical about what it would entail. But she explained the concept so beautifully and I am glad I went through this wonderful experiences. Journeys across past- lives, answers to so many queries or concern of life, travelling through a realm of unexplored places is an experience one must go through if one wants to understand what lies in your subconscious (SC) mind and the great power in it. My SC healed me a lot today, & a left lot for me to work on. I’m all set with the challenge & thankful to Lipa for being such wonderful person and doing this service to humanity.

Natasha, 53 Housewife and adventure seeker, Mumbai

Oct 11, 2018: 

A journey with your mind to the unknown- with Lipa as guide was truly an extraordinary experience. The “unknown” can be beautiful, serene and comforting too. Not some place one needs to fear! The revelations of the journey help to understand the present. Thank you Lipa, for being my trusted guide during this journey.

Ritu Gupta, 38 Montessori Teacher and Mom

Oct 7, 2018:

Today I went through my second experience of soul healing. It was much more intense. I got to know the source of my sorrow inside my heart and was able to heal it also. Thank you Lipa, for your efforts. You are doing a great job by pulling out people/souls from their past baggage and guilt.

Gaury, 38 Scientist, based out of S. Korea

Oct 5, 2018:

Thank you, Lipa! I can’t begin to say how much you have helped. Not just by hypnotherapy, even talking to you helped me a lot. You made me feel I’m a good person and I have all the right to live. Apart from hypnosis, you help me sort out many issues on your own.

Also I appreciate that you are a very open minded person and not at all opinionated. I will be in touch with you always and wish you a happy life!

Mannu, 31 Planner in Ad world, Gurgaon

Sept 25, 2018:

This being amazing session with Lipa, has really helped me to understand what I was holding back since long. It has helped me to understand the little kid inside me that I need to take care of. I wish Lipa all the very best for her future and hope she will keep helping people more with her higher wisdom.

Neha, 33 From a multi media company, Gurgaon

Sept 23, 2018:

The session with Lipa was full of compassion and empathy. What I saw and experienced during hypnosis cannot be described in words- knowing that past life has always enticed me but if its done with a person who hears you out compassionately, the healing is faster.

After experiencing this, I can clearly say that all solutions are with us. We just need someone to help us open the door to seek that knowledge.

Yuzuru Maeda, 39 Exec, Japan

Sept 16, 2018: 

I could trust Lipa from pre-session. It was great to be in touch with God. God actually cares about us and arranges the initiations. We need to serve God and God will serve us- that is what I felt. It was great to be in contact with God; otherwise I was lost and looking for the material fulfillment. What I thought would fulfill life was not real and I found the real purpose in life.

So thank you for the opportunity.

I found Lipa very easy to get along because she was very open and I could see she could accept anything. It was easy to open myself to Lipa.




Tuli Chaterjee, 32, Analyst, Mumbai

September 13, 2018: 

I’d been planning to visit Lipa since the last one year and I’m extremely grateful that I have made it finally. I had an extensive session of counseling with her. It felt great opening up to her about my whole life. Her counseling performed the job of partial healing and the rest of it was taken care of by the QHHT session. I had an extremely intense session indeed. It was truly incredible. The information I received was extremely precious and I’m surely going to have several more sessions in the future with her.

Karan, 25 Analyst, Gurgaon

September 8, 2018: 

The flow of emotions and energy was amazing. I was sad, I was happy, but the best part is I understand my life in a much better way.

I thank Lipa ji and Dolores for helping me out.

Vicky, 37 Garment Exporter, Gurgaon

September 1, 2018:

So after two weeks, finally this day has arrived. Feeling blessed that I met Lipa and took appointment from her busy schedule. After the session I can feel positive energy flowing in my body and I can visualize what I need to do in my future life and will not do the same mistakes I did in past life. I need to gather more information so looking forward to having another session to explore more. Thank you so much, Lipa.

Jonathan, 34 Software Engr, Gurgaon

August 24, 2018:

The experience was out of this world. There are answers to questions each one has. For me, I believe it was a revelation. Ma’am has been such a great host during the session that it felt very comforting to undergo this session with her. This journey is a must for all to explore one’s inner self, which eventually is the best for all. I wish Lipa Ma’am all the very best and congratulate her on this initiative of bringing world-class experience.

Sameer, 28 Financial Analyst, Gurgaon

Aug 23, 2018: 

I’m a skeptic and I do not usually believe in these things. However, for some reasons I decided to give it a try. After going through Lipa’s work I contacted her to ask about QHHT. The first conversation with her put me at ease & I decided to go through the process. On the day of the session, Lipa was very relaxed and channeled this state in me. She made me feel very comfortable & helped me really focus on the questions I wanted answers to. The whole process is one which you need to experience. Everyone’s experience is unique and at the end of mine, I felt at peace. That is what I was looking for.

Ruchi, 40 HR Professional, Mumbai

August 21, 2018:

It’s been a very humbling experience. The session has re-instilled my beliefs and faith in the universal truth of Reincarnation- for a purpose to be served.

Lipa, you have been very warm and helpful in this journey. Your warmth and friendly demeanor put me at ease from the very first time I spoke to you over the phone. Since then my faith was instilled. I wouldn’t have been able to go through without you taking me there. Thank you for affirming my beliefs.

Akshaya, 46 IT professional, Gurgaon

August 14, 2018: 

The session with Lipa was revealing: journeys undertaken, lessens learnt, present & past merging into a symbiotic soup dish- which I will like to taste again.






Joanna, 57 Businesswoman, Gurgaon

August 8, 2018:

A deep, insightful session, least of what I was expecting for sure- my consciousness was ready to open up to my past lives to reveal who I truly am. Through this glorified journey of the soul, I could travel to the skies and plunge to the inner recess of the Earth. The mantle of the Earth has many secrets to tell. Wishing you much love and success, Lipa Rath.

Parvati, 38 Mom and caregiver to parents, Gurgaon

August 6, 2018:

Today was a special day… met Lipa… maybe I can say today that I met one of my guiding angels… First of a kind of experience and it was truly mesmerizing… From this I take to be a better person. Thank you dear Lipa, for an enriching day… Love.





Suresh B. 36, Investment Banker, Gurgaon

July 30, 2018:

My session with Lipa Ma’am was a very liberating experience. I carried a lot of guilt and insecurity in me- it was creating a lot of issues. After the session I felt very light and peaceful. Though I had my doubts at the start, I decided to trust the process and have faith in the Supreme Power and Lipa Ma’am. It helped me tremendously. I go back with answers and lot of healing.

P.S, 27 Ad planner, Kolkatta

July 26, 2018:

I came here for answers- I found answers I did not expect that gave me a fresh perspective on everything. I was healed for the chronic pain (in her urethra) I experienced for 10 years. I received the energetic lift I needed to go forward with a clean slate. Lipa is a wonderful guide who enabled me to receive this healing and guidance. You must experience both Lipa and the QHHT process to know what I’m talking about.

Prita, 26 Marketing Exec, Mumbai

July 24, 2018:

Thank God I discovered Lipa. Thank God she’s doing what she does. If nothing else has worked, come to her to find answers. Her ability to focus, find interest and assisting in taking a journey into the past to resolve the present was inspiring. More than anything, you will find pieces to get your life to a better place.

Pallavi Datta, 46 Writer, Mumbai

July 23, 2018: 

I approached Lipa because I was deeply unsettled by my life; it’s struggles and heartaches. She heard me out with deep compassion and empathy and started her session. What emerged from the session shook us, as the problems that I had approached her with were irrelevant side-drama to a life that was born to owning to amazing powerful knowledge. A deep perspective on the Divinity of a human being, how eternal we are as souls and as an irreplaceable reverent part of this creation, came through. We are all special souls, critical for God’s creation, and we should love and respect ourselves as that little episodes of a current life are just that- little episodes- that will fly away like dandelions in the wind. Thank you, Lipa. I’m grateful. 


JK Mohanty, 63 Hotelier, Bhubaneswar, Odisha

July 22, 2018:

I had a unique experience with Ms. Lipa ‘s QHHT session. Saw my past life and answers to my present life’s problems. It can help anyone who has problems or needs to grow in life.

Bipasa Mohanty, 51 Travel & Hospitality, Bhubaneswar, Odisha

July 20, 2018: 

It was just a great experience. Many doubts have gone and feeling so- so relieved. Now I have realized this birth of mine has the reflection of my past lives and learned how I can rectify my life style. This is going to help me progress in life.

Mrinalini, 49 Chief executive in a BPO, Gurgaon

July 19, 2018:

My session today was truly cathartic. I felt hope for the future and certain confidence that I’m on the right track. I understood it will take me time but somehow I feel it is a journey well begun. I look forward and am confident of healing and health in the future. I felt my mother’s presence and felt her healing me. She has departed this world in 2013 and for the first time today I felt her presence so strongly.

Geetanjali, 37 Corporate HR, Gurgaon

July 15, 2018: 

It was a very unique experience for me. It helped me to see life from a very different perspective and will guide me in my future. For sure Lipa has been a tremendous guide in this journey of mine and helped me find some answers that I have been looking for quite some time. Through today’s session it also helped me to get healed not only mentally but also physically. My migraine was healed. Thanks.

Dr. Pinki, 38 Pediatrician, Gurgaon
April 2017: Quantum healing was a wonderful experience for me. After this I felt so relaxed and happy. It was an awesome experience. Thanks Lipa, for helping me.
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