
By Lipa Rath

Sep 22 2023


“When you own your emotions and you really process through them, then you can own the power that comes with it.”
Priestess, Temple of Mary Magdalene.


My client was the third daughter to her parents, when her brother was born specially-abled, she was sent to her uncle’s house. The parents could not handle the pressure. She was 6 years then. Although her uncle was kind and loving, her aunt kind of rough and made her do the chores. She missed her father, yet she tried to adjust and kept making every one happy so that no one yelled at her.

As she grew up she her parents called her back to live with them. Unfortunately her mother came from a time that had no idea the devastating effects of body-shaming on your children. Her mom kept telling her all that was not beautiful about her, how flawed everything was- not talented enough as her older sisters, etc. and as a result she has no confidence in herself. She always felt compelled to please everyone, putting her own needs aside.

Now she’s in her late 40s. She has two late teenagers, and a wonderful provider husband. He is nice but there is no passion in their relationship.

Recently, she met a man much younger than her, asking her to give attention to herself and reorient herself into self care. Deep passion stirred within her and now she is deeply in love with him, wanting to be with him forever but he has blocked her out from every place.

Confused what to do with her life, this deeply empathetic person contacted me for a QHHT Session. She has been feeling depressed- wanting to end her life.

She knew she was intuitive but didn’t know how to use her gift – because she felt so inadequate and disempowered. She would feel the grief and pain of the the people who worked for in the house.

She was shown three lifetimes: First, one as a man who committed suicide after his wife’s death- he had two small children.

Second, as a woman who could not bear the pain of childbirth the second time, and died in the process.

Third, as a man with three children, but his wife left him for another. He was so broken by that that he had a heart attack and he left the body.

A clear pattern emerged for her to review what her soul has been doing. Every time there’s hardship she is ready to quit- too scared that something might happen and she would not be able to handle the situation. She didn’t trust.

These carried over emotions were so strong that it had become her identity. She hated herself seeing in the mirror, she didn’t know how to process these emotions in order to have a healthy approach to life.

Interestingly, the young man she is deeply in love, has been her husband in the second life when she died during childbirth. After her death in that life, the man could not bear the pain and died of a heart attack, leaving the children behind. But she felt deep love and wholeness when she found him in the other life. She wept… It was a powerful moment- a recognition why they were not together in the current life. She’s meant to take care of the children, and not be with this man.

Post session I asked her, “how do you hear your children talking about you when they are in their 40s or 50s?”
She smiled. She could hear them from the future… “Yes! they are saying nice things about me.” All of a sudden, she stepped into her power and realised that she’s deeply empathetic and profoundly clairsentient. She was aware of energy and she could help people understand their pain – she’s a lightworker!

Right now she’s being called to plant her seeds and sing to them with deep devotion. She understood that if she resumes salsa dance and starts her Ganesha painting, and meditates, she would feel so much better- to live a life according to what makes her come alive!

“But why did this man come into my life and introduced me to so much peace!”
Maybe to show you that peace is inside of you and you can access that feeling anytime.
“Hmmm ..…” That made sense.

The session gave her a sense of direction, as well as clarity about her unconscious patterns: How her soul is always ready to escape at the first sight of pain, hence she has been feeling suicidal. More importantly she understood her “Clairsentience” abilities. That is, to receive information through feelings and interpret them accurately and effectively. She felt a deep realignment to her purpose and how she can help others discover themselves. 🌸

She got up and hugged me and thanked me. I knew she had a breakthrough 🦋👍🏼💖🙏🏼


If you are interested in having a QHHT session with me, do send me an email: we can schedule a chat or a call. 🙏🏼


Image source: The Healing Lotus

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