By Webmaster

Apr 29 2024

I am writing this review after 10 days of my first session with Lipa ma’am so as to let all the feelings sink in me first. Firstly, I would like to say that she is an amazing person who takes pleasure in her work. It was so easy to build a connect with her and I could share almost everything without giving a second thought. She never looks in hurry. I went on 19 Feb 2022 for the session and had a great experience but still was feeling that something remains unresolved. After the session, we talked for long and she herself offered me another session on 24 Feb 2022 (at no extra cost). I came again. Had a wonderful session again. Found many answers this time. But now that a few days have passed since my first session, I would like to mention that it was my skeptical and over analytical mind which was creating barriers during the first session. Even after my first session, I was healed actually. Day by day, I am feeling better and better. My chronic back pain almost vanished just like a MAGIC after my first sitting itself. For the treatment of this pain, I had spent a lot of time and money already. Plus the pain was stopping me from doing many activities earlier. Besides that, many other things have started making sense to me now. It seems as if I am receiving some divine help. My advice to all of you out there would be to come with a very open mind with 100% faith in the process and take it EASY. For Lipa ma’am, I would like to thank you once more. Please keep on doing great work. God bless 🙂

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