Archangel Jophiel 🧚🏼‍♀️

By Lipa Rath

Jan 17 2020

I have been working with Archangels and in the angelic realms for more than a decade. I still  feel a debilitating sense of fear as I say this in public. A fear that is so deeply encoded in my light body that I always try to camouflage what I know as true. Although I feel confident about sharing other people’s experiences, but when it comes to my own it feels like I’m breaking a sacred vow 😳 when I talk about my experiences with pure light/light beings/angels ✨🧚🏼‍♀️

My “fear” feels as if I must seek some “authority figure” to give me permission or I would be killed.

Now I know this is coming from my previous lives where I have been brutally hung, and another time burnt at the stake, through the dark times upon earth, especially during the medieval times in Europe/Central Asia.

I think some of the blockages/ fears that we have had need to be honoured and recognised, and we must do something about them- for this time, there is no prosecution or trial for being who we are! 💃🏻

Archangel Jophiel is an angel of beauty and love✨💖. I have a feeling she works with Goddess Venus. When you call upon her she responds and lifts your heart and brings beautiful and wonderful things to your conscious awareness. She can help you through every “decoration” – interiors and outdoors, art, as well as your wardrobe and make up. 💗

From my memory of a past life as a priestess in Egypt, during the higher ages we had the knowledge of some powdered crystals n oils that we applied as a part of a ritual and invocation- to bring into manifestation the intention we set out. I still hold that memory- an anticipation while applying make-up; it feels like something big is about to happen! 😇✨

In our dense bodies we often forget that we have “Source” energy within us. Calling upon Jophiel is like tapping into a powerful stream of consciousness of beauty and love. When we immerse in the process of “connection” we harness that energy -it simply gets downloaded into our light bodies activating the memory codes, bringing our fragmented pieces together into wholeness, into alignment – allowing the power and grace to flow into us and through us effortlessly! 🧚🏼‍♀️

🕉☮️ Amen🙏🏼


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