Taxilla Tantra And Arianna

By Webmaster

Sep 14 2024

Aryana/Arianna was one of the ancient names of Afghanistan.


Held within the soil as well as on the surface of Aryana is the deep blue stone of Lapis Lazuli, which has been associated with royalty, strength, courage, wisdom and intellect. 


The Sumerians believed that the spirit of their gods lived within the stone, while the ancient Egyptians saw it as a symbol of the night sky. 


This land we know now as Afghanistan, that has been gripped with terror and pain in the past decades has always been steeped in mysticism: “Fragrance of flowers” – is the “essence” of the ancient name-  the Kingdom of Gandhara, or “Kandahar”.  


I have spoken with several people from the terrorised region of Kandahar who come to India to sell all kinds of dry-fruits and nuts in the malls. They are just like all of us- they want to live with their families and care for their children. It’s so unfortunate that they don’t have the freedom of democracy. Helpless by tyranny in their own homes, they come here to make a living.



My client took a 2-hr flight to co me for a QHHT session. He said his life has been most traumatic since childhood. Although an established Oncologist now, he had deep interest in Tantra. He said he was summoned by Mahavatar Babaji and travelled to Babaji’s cave in the Himalayas in the most unusual circumstances. He needed to learn something esoteric. After his return he started teaching. As he stood up to speak, a stream of words would flow in to his mouth and the students were so raptured by the vibrations of the words that he could continue teaching for 3 hours without a break. But he had to stop because of his long held trauma. 


He knew he had carried them from past lives that he had to heal first. The SC showed him the patterns of trauma that’s been carried forward and he was healed. 


I asked about his interest in Tantra. 


SC said – He has been a Buddhist monk in the past. 

When was that?

SC-Long, long time ago. 

Where did he live? 

SC-Somewhere, now it’s in the region of Afghanistan. He lived in a monastery and studied. 

What did he study?

SC-The texts. He can’t understand that now. It’s not written in Sanskrit, but in an ancient language called Pali. 

How can we help him access that knowledge now? 

SC-He needs to meditate. It’s within him. He can find it.

But how can he bring it forward? 

Long pause. 

SC- If he beats his hands on a wooden surface the rhythm will bring back the memories. Wow!!


I researched and found that there used to be an ancient thriving university of Taxilla or Takshashila, around this region. There were buddhist monasteries and texts, like Anguttara Nikaya where esoteric secrets (or sutra) were written in Pali.


However he doesn’t have to study Pali language to learn what he had learnt. But tap, tap, tap, tap, tap and the rhythm will bring the memory codes back! 😇 Because everything exists in the quantum field. He needed the “key” to access that…. Ahhh….mazing! 


He left the next day and told me that he would write to me in couple of days after he integrates the information. Few days later he messaged- 


“Certain experiences cannot be put into words. Only the experiencer knows what he has gone through.”




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